Blogging 101: Day Nine – Get Inspired By the Neighbors

Everyone will agree that being a good neighbor is a good feeling. So here in blogging, it is also applicable. Why?

If it’s your first time to read my post, here is why, So by visiting other blogger’s blog it will not only help me increases my idea in blogging it also brightens my day for I have the privilege to be allowed to learn more about life and to read somebody’s personal perception about how wonderful to live.

I have been browsing a lot of blogs, I will try my best to share with you every blog that I find captivated.

Part of exercise day eight as a good neighbor, is to find one blog that I have read the day before and share my thoughts about that blog.

“Assignment: Write a post that builds on one of the comments you left yesterday. Don’t forget to link to the other blog!”

Tamami is a graphic designer and an illustrator, I find this people very creative and has really a vast of imagination, I hope to learn from them. One of her illustrated design is named Now I Know I’ve Got A Heart.

This is a photo with a thousand words:


Click the photo for the link

While thinking what makes me be inspired on this photo, then I remember this song:

Check out the video here.

See! it’s me and you so happy together and be in love not just your other half but love what makes you love love (crazy eh!) 😀

Everyday is hearts’ day for me
