KoolitzBlog #6 – Grudge towards a Father

Hello neighbors,

Holding grudges and not forgiving someone is a thing that comes naturally to us especially if we are full of hate and anger in our heart. I know nobody is perfect. Because even I have done some wrongdoings in the past, it is either family, friends or just a stranger.

I have a friend who is not treated well by her father, she can even remember every tiny details of how her father mistreated her.

She grew up thinking that her father beats her because he doesn’t love her, I don’t blame her, but in my opinion, pain is part of our life that would help us recognize from right and wrong and hatred towards that person will not do any good to her health.

Every time we have had a conversation if that particular topic is related to abuse, she immediately narrates her hurtful story.

I asked her “Are you not tired remembering all these?” and she replied “I don’t hate him, but I always remember what he did to me”

In the way of life, it speaks about two elements of forgiveness:

a) God’s forgiveness;

b) Human forgiveness. We need both, because we do wrong in our relations to God as well as in our relations to each other.

We should learn to forgive the person who wronged us and always remember to forgive yourself as well.

I know it is easy said than done. If you can’t forgive someone, how can a person that you have hurt forgive you?

Forgiveness is the key to freedom. I do not know with you but there is a joy in forgiveness.

I share this short story for us to be reminded that:

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