Writing 101: Day Eight – Expand A Comment

In Writing 101, day eight task:

Do you ever peek at the comments you’ve left on other blogs? You might find ideas for future posts. Perhaps you left a response on a writer’s post but could have said even more, or wrote the beginnings of a larger discussion.

To read the comments you’ve made, visit your My Comments page, which you can access in the sidebar of your Reader. Look for a comment you can expand on — one that can evolve into a new post, where you can continue the discussion or address a related idea or topic. Practice seamless linking (read point #2 in particular) and refer and link to the comment somewhere in your post:

The other day, I read a post on King of States! describing the internet as a space made of real people. I told the blog’s author, Michelle Weber, how much I enjoyed her take.

For related information, read about expanding comments into posts.

If browsing these comments leaves you empty-handed, revisit the recent comments that readers have left on your blog, and select one that you can respond to.

After reading the task about, I remember my day twelve blogging 101, we were told to increase our confidence in our comments to our fellow bloggers’ blog. I always run out of words, so I tend to give my remarks as short as possible.

But this morning it was different, the first post that I read from WordPress.com Reader is from our fellow blogger Anand of Blabberwockying, he published a letter for a dear friend, it is stimulated with motivation and encouragement, our conversation as below screenshot:

expand comment

Believe it or not I was amaze on how I come up with such statement. I was a kid when I re-read it again. It is so much fun to learn new things that is out of my comfort zone. And I am glad I always do.

happy kid

Image from Google


How about you?