Dragon’s Loyalty Award

Thank you for this recognition. Another Award from our fellow blogger.

Read full details here.


love, madi girl

hello everyone!! First of all, I wanted to thank each and every one of my readers and followers. I didn’t think that starting out in this adventure of blogging, I would have so much positive feedback, so it really means a lot to me.

first off, i have been nominated for the dragon’s loyalty award by jennifer lee. I know that there are a ton of these things going around, but it does feel really cool to have a nomination… so here are some quick rules:


  • thank the nominators
  • include the award logo
  • state seven facts about yourself
  • nominate a few other bloggers


So, many thanks jenni!!! You and I go way back, so I appreciate this 🙂dragons-loyalty-award1

Here are the 7 facts about me 🙂

  1. I am one of 5 kids as of this morning at 6:33 a.m. 🙂
  2. I won a photography contest a few months ago…

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