Friday Refresh! Blog Updates

Hey neighbors,

To ensure consistency of inspiration of my daily thoughts/ideas whether its fashion, entertainment, technology, blogging university activities, or just some musing of the day. Here is my scheduled feature for the coming weeks for my blog:

Friday: Friday Refresh! Every Friday or just a random Friday Day, I’ll talk about the developments I have in my blog, or to gather suggestions either by using Polls or Surveys or just a plain update about Koolitzable Blog.

A virtual coffee or my personal randomly musing, you may want to check out my KoolitzBlog series.

If you have or haven’t noticed, I had to change my blog header from:




Well, this is part of my learning adventure as a writer/blogger, what do you think of my new blog header?

Thanks to blogging university for the idea from my day seven blogging 101.

We may not be able to instantly change overnight, but we can make distinctive changes as our heading.

Next week’s Update will be more detailed as suggestions come in.

I have been MIA for a week but trying to catch up all the happenings that I have missed and all your sweet feedback.

This week have been so many new lessons learned either at life, work, shopping, writing/blogging, and other kinds of stuff.

I am still reading this book, and will do a review of it 🙂

the black box cover 3

Till next time.


Postcard 2015.11.03

Postcard 2015.11.02

Blog Header and Theme Updates

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